Please inquire about positions via email or phone call:
Ashley Anderson, Superintendent
To Apply, select one of the following options:
Complete this online Form
Print and complete this application
Email completed applications to: andersona@usd311.com
Mail completed applications to:
Pretty Prairie USD 311
Attn: Ashley Anderson, Superintendent
PO Box 218
Pretty Prairie, KS 67570
Pretty Prairie USD 311 is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Pretty Prairie USD 311 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex,
religion, handicap/disability, or age as to treatment of students in programs and as to
employment. Persons having inquiries concerning the District's compliance with Title VI, Title IX,
Section 504, Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Age Discrimination Act may contact the
school district's ADA and Section 504 Coordinator, 206 E Main St, Pretty Prairie, KS 67570,
Telephone: 620-459-6241.
Please complete this paper Application or complete this Form to apply for these positions:
Facilities/ Transportation Director- Full-time director for 25-26 school year
Secondary Social Studies Teacher- 3/4 time teacher for 25-26 school year
Assistant HS Football Coach- two positions open for 25-26 school year
HS Scholar's Bowl Sponsor- posiiton open for 25-26 school year
Para Educator- Full-time position for the 25-26 school year
Bus Drivers - Full-time, activity, and sub drivers are needed for USD 311. The District will offer CDL training with endorsements for those individuals that are interested.
Substitute Teachers - USD 311 needs Substitute Teachers. Please see the attached document for requirements.