USD 311 District Boundary Map

USD 311 District Boundaries
2024-2025 PreK Enrollment
Click Here --> 24-25 PreK Enrollment Form
2024-25 K-12 Enrollment
login to their PowerSchool parent account
click on the Forms tab
complete registration
Please note that some forms must be completed for EACH student in the family.
Non-Resident Enrollment Information
If you are a non-resident student and want to attend Pretty Prairie Schools, we're glad you're here!
Here is a copy of our Policy.
Here is the application! Please print it and complete!
Students must be in good standing (passing grades and minimal behavioral issues) with their current school to apply!
Email the form to or deliver/mail the form to:
USD 311 Central Office
Attn: Enrollment Application Processor
206 E Main St
PO Box 218
Pretty Prairie, KS 67570
Open Seats for Non-Resident Students for the 2024-25 School Year

After an application is completed, here are the next steps:
From June 1-30, the district will accept applications from nonresident, or out-of-district, students. If the number of nonresident students applying is less than the capacity available, all students must be admitted. If the number of applications exceeds the capacity for a grade level within the district, the district will randomly select nonresident students via a lottery process on or before July 15 of each year.
Per statute, priority is given to military students, students in the custody of the Department of Children and Families and, in future years, to any sibling who already has been accepted to enroll in our schools, as long as there are open spots for those siblings. Once a student has been accepted, he or she can remain a Pretty Prairie student until graduation, provided the student meets the attendance and behavioral expectations specified in the policy.
Nonresident families will be notified by July 15 if they have been accepted to enroll for that school year. The district shall provide to the parent or person acting as a parent of a nonresident student who was not accepted for or denied enrollment at such school district the reason for the nonacceptance or denial and an explanation of the nonresident student selection process.
Please bring the following information to the school offices.
Proof of Residency - Kansas state approved list:
Kansas DL or ID renewal postcard
Current Kansas vehicle registration or title
Utility bill or equivalent no more than two months old
Financial institution such as a bank statement, deed or mortgage
Rent or lease agreement
Kansas Voter Registration Card
Current auto, life or homeowners insurance bill with applicant’s name and address
Current educational transcript/school grade card
Current professional license by a U.S. agency
Current W-2 or 1099
Mail from a federal, state, county or city agency
Department of Corrections Certificate of Identification
Certified Copy of Birth Certificate -
Age: Pre-school: if eligible, 3 or 4 years on or before August 31
Kindergarten: five years old on or before August 31
First Grade: six years old on or before August 31
Immunization Record
Health Assessment - Physical from most recent medical exam.
Physical Form (needed for anyone participating in athletics, Grades 6-12)
School Contact Information
Elementary School – Jo McCullough: 620-459-6621,
Middle School – James White: 620-459-6911,
High School – Michelle Sutherland : 620-459-6313,